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Policies and procedures are foundational at UCR.  Policies show us what type of place UCR ishow we are to treat one another, and how we can expect to be treated.  Policies and procedures show us how we are expected to do certain aspects of our jobs, and how we conduct ourselves when representing the university.

The Chief Compliance Office supports the system ethics and compliance program by helping the administration create and maintain policies and procedures.  


New, Updated, and Proposed Policies and Procedures


  • New and Recently Updated UCR Policies

    This is a selected list of UCR policies and procedures that have recently been updated (newly issued or revised), beginning with the most recent effective policy.

    The following three policies related to the use of campus space now comply with the new California legislative mandates and provide clearer and up-to-date direction to the community. 

    Expressive Activities; Time, Place and Manner Policy 

    The revised Policy applies to Expressive Activities on campus and is designed to ensure that demonstrations, assemblies, rallies, and similar activities do not infringe on the rights of individuals or groups, harm University property, or disrupt University programs or activities. The revisions comply with systemwide direction and include provisions regarding identification and compliance with campus officials. The revisions also re-organize restrictions into logical categories to make the policy easier to follow and apply.   

    Expressive Activities: Time, Place and Manner Policy - (Effective 10/4/2024)

    Posting Policy for Students

    This policy updates and replaces several older campus policies (including the current 700-50, the HUB posting policy, and Policy 700-20) and creates a consistent set of rules for the campus. The policy applies to flyers, posters, signs, banners, flags, and other Printed Materials and sets rules for how, when, and where they may be posted (or otherwise displayed). This policy is a companion policy to Policy 700-52: Temporary Signage and Banners, which applies to employees and third parties (not students).  

    Posting Policy for Students - (Effective 10/3/2024)

    Policy Prohibiting Camping on University Property

    California law prohibits camping on campus and other University property, without permission. This policy follows this law and allows camping (or use of camping equipment) with the permission of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (for student requests) or the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Budget & Administration (for all other requests). 

    Policy Prohibiting Camping on University Property - (Effective 10/3/2024)

    Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications Policy

    This policy was was revised with the approval of the Chief Compliance Officer effective September 27, 2024, to expand the provisions regarding Emergency Notifications and change the policy title.

    Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications Policy - (Effective 9/27/2024)

    Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Procedure

    This procedure implements the UC Policy on Abusive Conduct (“policy”), which applies to all UCR employees, unpaid interns, and third parties.

    The procedure specifies the Responsible Offices. The local procedure also designates the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel as the Campus Official responsible for advising on academic freedom issues that may arise, and the Chief Compliance Officer as the administrator for overseeing compliance with the policy.  

    Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Procedure - (Effective 3/13/2024)

    Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy - Local Procedure

    This is the procedure used by the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) to implement the University of California Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy (GRLN).

    Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy - Local Procedure - (Effective: 12/19/2023)


    For additional policies, visit the UCR Policies & Procedures website at:

  • Newly Proposed or Proposed Revisions to UCR Policies

    Coming soon

  • New and Recently Updated Presidential (UC) Policies

    This is a selected list of UC Presidential Policies that have recently been updated (newly issued or revised), beginning with the most recent effective policy

    Anti-Discrimination Policy

    The new Presidential Policy on Anti-Discrimination is effective February 20, 2024, and may be found online at: Issuance of this Policy is the culmination of several years of dedicated effort in response to recommendations made by a presidential working group charged with analyzing the University’s response to complaints of discrimination and harassment based on protected categories. Harassment and discrimination pose a serious threat to the University’s mission, values, and reputation. This Presidential Policy represents an important step in the University’s  continued efforts to ensure equal and equitable access to University employment, programs, and activities for individuals of all backgrounds.

    Anti-Discrimination Policy - (Effective 2/20/2024)

    Policy on Vaccination Programs

    The President has issued the interim revision to the Vaccination Program policy effective August 16, 2023. The revised interim policy will require covered individuals to either be up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccination or opt-out of the COVID-19 vaccination. As a result, the policy no longer requires University-approved exceptions to the vaccine. The next step for the policy are the move forward with finalizing the revision through a Systemwide Comment period beginning September 2023.

    Policy on Vaccination Programs  - (Effective: 8/16/2023)

    Clery Act Policy - Campus Safety and Security Reporting

    The President has issued the final revision for the Clery Act policy effective August 16, 2023. The revisions align the policy with federal Clery Act regulations and place the responsibilities of Clery Act compliance with the Location rather than the specific role. The Clery working group has begun early discussions on forthcoming implementation guidance on complex areas of campus safety reporting.

    Clery Act Policy - (Effective: 8/16/2023)

    Developing and Maintaining Presidential Policies ("Policy on Policies")

    This policy was issued on July 13, 2023 to ensure compliance responsibilities are met, carrying out the Regents' Bylaws and Policies (Governing Documents), and supporting the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service.

    This Policy:

    • Describes the UC approval process and the rules and responsibilities for the development, revision, and rescission of Presidential Policies.
    • Describes the procedural steps required for the development and approval of new Presidential Policies, and review and approval of revision or rescission of existing Presidential Policies.
    • Outlines required consultation with Required Reviewers and Stakeholders.

    Developing and Maintaining Presidential Policies - (Effective: 7/13/2023)

    Policy on Vaccination Programs - With Updated Interim Amendments

    This policy was updated with interim amendments effective December 12, 2022. A previous version of the interim policy was effective September 1, 2022. A systemwide review of this policy had been underway with a review deadline of December 15, 2022; however, as a result of the new update, that deadline has been extended to January 31, 2023. The updated revisions include the following:

    • Amended booster requirement beginning Fall 2022 to permit eligible Covered Individuals to decline the COVID-19 booster after receiving Vaccine Education, subject to more restrictive federal, state, or local public health requirements.
    • Authorized Locations (other than Healthcare Locations) to permit self-attestation as evidence of receiving the COVID-19 booster.
    • Clarified that COVID-19 booster compliance may be assessed annually between July and December, rather than at the moment an additional dose or booster is recommended. (This year, Locations may set that deadline as late as February 1, 2023.)

    The previous revisions of the interim policy, which are still in the current version, are the following:

    • Consolidated all existing vaccination requirements other than the Student Immunization Policy.
    • Updated language consistent with current public health usage.
    • Extended definition of Covered Non-Affiliate to include K-12 students and children enrolled in day care programs and camps sponsored by the University or operated at a University Facility or Location; as well as individuals enrolled in UC extension programs, continuing education, lifelong learning, seminars, workshops, and other non degree-granting educational programs, professional development, and/or recreational programs.

    Policy on Vaccination Programs - With Interim Amendments - (Effective December 12, 2022)

    BFB-IS-5: Licensing and Operation of University Radio, Television, and Microwave Facilities

    The revised Presidential Policy has undergone a technical review. A summary of the changes follows:

    • The requirement to print a copy of the FCC regulation was deleted – it is online and readily available at
    • The newest policy template was adopted.
    • Terms, role names and organization names were updated to reflect current conventions.
    • Corrected grammar and verbs to match policy language.
    • Added the functional e-mail address for the Coordinator:

    BFB-IS-5: Licensing and Operation of University Radio, Television, and Microwave Facilities - (Effective 08/31/2022)

    UC Research Data Policy

    Ownership of Research Data by the Regents of the University of California is a long-standing precept originally articulated in Section 020 of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM-020), or Regulation 4. Specifically, APM-020 Part II. Sec. 5 states that “Notebooks and other original records of the research are the property of the University.” The intent of the new UC Research Data Policy is to clarify the ownership of and responsibility for research data generated during the course of University research, encourage active data management and sharing practices, and provide guidance with respect to procedures when a University Researcher leaves the University.

    The new Presidential Policy went through two systemwide reviews on December 17, 2021 for 90-day comment period and on February 15, 2022 for 60-day comment period, respectively. All the relevant and applicable feedback received from these systemwide reviews was incorporated into the attached policy.

    UC Research Data Policy - (Effective 07/15/2022)

    Clery Act - Campus Safety and Security Reporting Policy (Interim)

    This Policy is being issued with interim status to comply with the US Department of Education’s requirements. The Policy will undergo a full systemwide review in Fall 2022. The changes in the interim Policy conform with the formal text of the Clery Act and the Department of Education’s recent directives and enforcement cases. The changes include removal of the language regarding categorical exemption of all CARE Advocates, Ombuds, and all other confidential campus offices as Campus Security Authority (CSA), and a clarification that employees with responsibilities, within the scope of their license, as professional or pastoral counselors are not CSAs for the purposes of this Policy.

    Clery Act Policy - (Effective 07/14/2022)

    BFB-A-47 Direct Costing Procedures

    The revised policy went through a technical review and revisions by the identified stakeholders: Campus Costing Policy Directors, Managers and Analysts; the Extramural Fund Managers; and the Campus Controllers. The policy is updated to reflect current federal policy (Uniform Guidance) requirements and institutional practices.

    The technical revisions include: changes in Cost Allocation Services (CAS) policy regarding refunds, rebates on P-card purchases and updated language for recharges; changes to the definition of Applicable Credits; and removal of Appendix I.

    BFB-A-47 Direct Costing Procedures - (Effective 06/23/2022)

    Supplement to Military Pay

    The Supplement to Military Pay Policy went through systemwide review in January 2022. Revisions include the following: continue the policy provision indefinitely; removed all references to four-year review provision; additions and update of existing Policy language including scope, definitions, benefits terminology, compliance/responsibilities, and procedures; and updated links, gender neutral language throughout the policy.

    Supplemental to Military Pay - (Effective 06/21/2022)

    UC Heath Participation in Activities under the End of Life Option Act

    The End of Life Option Act Policy was issued as interim to comply with CA SB 380 changes effective January 1, 2022. The attached revised policy incorporated the relevant and applicable feedback received from its systemwide review last March 2021. Changes include updated scope, updated policy owner, addition of a term & definition, and updates to a definition. Compliance and responsibilities have been updated, added FAQs, gender neutral language, and other reformatting changes for continuity of style.

    UC Health Participation in Activities under the End of Life Option Act - (Effective: 06/21/2022)

    Disclosure of Financial Interest & Management of Conflict of Interest, Public Health Service Research Awards (UC PHS COI)

    The revised policy went through a technical review and revision in collaboration with the campuses’ Conflict of Interest Officers, the Research Policy Analysis and Coordination unit, and UC Legal. The revision will bring UC into compliance with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requirements to have a policy in place covering DOE’s new Interim Conflict of Interest Policy for Financial Assistance by June 18, 2022. Revisions include the following:

    • Added a sentence to indicate using this policy to implement the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy.
    • Added a reference to the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy in the Related Information section.

    UC PHS COI Policy - (Effective:  06/17/2022)

    Part-Time Study in the University of California

    The technical revisions for the Presidential Policy on Part-Time Study in the University of California include: reformatted into the standard Policy template, updated the names of student fees, updated the Responsible Office and Office titles, updated to reflect the replacement of the 1979 Policy on Part-Time Off-Campus Professional Graduate Degree Programs with the Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, and added a reference to a letter dated July 30, 2021 from the President on the application of the policy to Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition.

    Part-Time Study in the University of California - (Effective: 04/29/2022)

    Classification of Gifts & Sponsored Awards

    The substantive revision of the Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices went through systemwide review beginning in March 2021. The major changes for the Classification of Gifts and Sponsored Awards include: improved description of the policy scope; further development of the weighted classification criteria that are now grouped into two categories - Determinative and General Indicators; two new FAQs entries; and added clarity to the Checklist to help campuses more easily determine proper classification of research awards as either gifts or sponsored awards.

    Classification of Gifts & Sponsored Awards - (Effective: 03/10/2022)

    Sustainable Practices

    The substantive revision of the Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices went through systemwide review beginning in September 2021. The revisions include the following: updating the targets and additional requirements for the Green Building Design, Climate Protection, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable Water Systems, and Sustainability at UC Health sections of the policy; a new Health and Well-Being section was added; and a number of minor revisions were made to clarify the intent and improve the readability of the policy.

    Sustainable Practice - (Effective: 03/10/2022)

    BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions

    The technical revisions include that the meal rate increase effective November 1, 2021 is reflected in Appendix A, page 24. This increase was announced by EVP and Chief Financial Officer Brostrom in a memo dated October 19, 2021 to the Vice Chancellors of Administration. In addition, entertainment events held by the President or Chancellors are subject to reimbursement of expenses up to 200% of the listed meal rate limits without requiring additional approval effective January 1, 2022. EVP and CFO Brostrom issued a memo on February 9 to the Vice Chancellors of Administration regarding this change. These events can include donor cultivation or stewardship, recruitment and/or retention. Note, this special rule would not include events for internal senior leadership or for other non-donor related events, all which are still subject to existing approval requirement.

    BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions - (Effective: 01/01/2022)

    BFB-G-28: Travel Regulations

    The University’s mileage reimbursement rates for expenses incurred in connection with the business use of a private automobile will increase in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rates published in IRS Notice 2022-03. The following new rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2022:

    • The reimbursement rate for the use of a private automobile for University business travel will increase from 56 cents a mile to 58.5 cents a mile.
    • The reimbursement rate for driving an automobile in connection with a move or relocation will increase from 16 cents a mile to 18 cents a mile. (Note that reimbursements for moving- related expenses, including mileage, are considered taxable wage income as of January 1, 2018).

    BFB-G-28: Travel Regulations - (Effective: 01/01/2022)

    Revised Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Policy

    Last year, the University issued revised interim versions of the SVSH Policy and its implementing frameworks to comply with the 2020 amendments to the federal Title IX regulations made by the U.S. Department of Education (“DOE”). The DOE plans to propose new amendments to the Title IX regulations next year. In the meantime, UC is making every effort to mitigate harm from the existing regulations, including issuing these revised policies. Summarized below are the key revisions, the impetus for the changes, and other information of note:

    Senate Bill 493. Certain revisions are to comply with California Senate Bill (SB) 493. This legislation was authored by former Senator Jackson of Santa Barbara and sponsored by Equal Rights Advocates and the Women’s Foundation of California. The SVSH Policy and implementing frameworks together already codified most of SB 493’s requirements. Revisions are therefore limited in the SVSH Policy and in Appendix E, Appendix F, the Faculty Framework and the Staff/NFAP Framework.

    Title IX Regulatory Change. Appendix F, the Faculty Framework and the Staff/NFAP Framework also include revisions in response to one significant provision of the Title IX regulations becoming ineffective. The procedures for resolving conduct covered by the regulations issued last year severely limited the Title IX hearing officer’s ability to rely on out-of-hearing statements not subject to cross-examination during the hearing. The regulatory provision requiring this limitation is no longer in effect, due to a federal court decision vacating it and DOE’s subsequent announcement that it would not enforce it. UC included the limitation only because it was legally required at the time. Now that it is not, UC is removing it.

    Clinical Setting Changes. The University has dedicated significant effort and resources to preventing, detecting, and responding to Prohibited Conduct arising from the context of patient care. To further that work, certain revisions are to better account for the clinical context. These revisions were reviewed last year by the President’s Working Group on SVSH in the Clinical Setting.

    Application of Changes to Current Investigations and Adjudications. As a general matter, in resolution processes under the SVSH Policy, the University applies the SVSH Policy definitions of Prohibited Conduct in place at the time alleged violations of the policy occurred, and the investigation and adjudication procedures (set forth in both the SVSH Policy and the applicable resolution framework) in place at the time the Title IX office charges an investigation. However, in some circumstances, the University will apply revised procedures to resolution processes that are already underway—specifically, when doing so is required by law or to ensure fairness.

    While revisions to these policies are mostly legally required, the Systemwide Title IX Office appreciated the input of stakeholders during the limited management consultation and 90-day systemwide review for the SVSH Policy.

    The following interim policy and investigation and adjudication frameworks have an effective date of 1/1/2022: 

    Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment ("SVSH") Policy 
    PACAOS-Appendix E: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Adjudication Framework 
    PACAOS-Appendix F: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for DOE-Covered Conduct
    SVSH Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty 
    SVSH Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Staff and Non-Faculty Academic Personnel 

    Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation

    The Interim NAGPRA Policy was issued in July 2020 to allow further discussion and consultation with tribal communities and campus stakeholders. A revised draft policy incorporating AB 275 requirements was sent out for systemwide review in March 2021. The attached final policy includes further refinements pursuant to AB 275 and for clarity in response to comments received from Tribes, the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), and UC stakeholders. As background, this policy pertains to the treatment and repatriation of Native American and Native Hawaiian human remains and cultural items under the University’s possession or control and the University’s compliance with the federal Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (“NAGPRA”), its accompanying regulations, and the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (“CalNAGPRA”).

    Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation - (Effective Date: 1/1/2022)BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Award and Other Gifts

    The BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Award and Other Gifts policy went through technical revision in order for to reflect the increase in the monthly pre-tax parking and transit limit per Rev. Proc. 2021-45 effective January 1, 2022, from $270 to $280 per month.

    BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Award and Other Gifts - (Effective Date: 1/1/2022)

    For additional Presidential (UC) policy updates and revisions, visit the UCOP website at:

  • Proposed Presidential (UC) Policies or Procedures or Proposed Revisions

    This section includes Presidential Policies that have been added, updated, or revised and are posted to allow review of the changes:

    The University of California Office of the President invites comments on proposed Presidential Policy Seismic Safety. The policy is proposed to be revised and include the following key issues:

    • Replace the 2023 deadline with a continual improvement requirement for each location to achieve a minimum 4% per year reduction of non-compliant space above the established 2022 baseline square footage averaged over a three-year period. Note that any improvements completed in compliance with State-mandated requirements for critical care facilities will count towards the 4% reduction goal.
    • All currently occupied Seismic Performance Rating VI facilities, shall be given the highest priority in capital planning and allocation decisions and brought into compliance with policy no later than December 31, 2037,
    • Existing leases for certain non-compliant UC-occupied facilities may be extended through 2037.

    If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Lauren Friedman at, no later than November 4, 2024.