
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution

NOTE: These flowcharts track the process in UCR's local discrimination complaint resolution policy. The University issued a new Anti-Discrimination Policy effective February 20, 2024, and UCR published its Anti-Discrimination Complaint Resolution Procedure in April 2024. The process under the new Policy and Procedure, which will be followed for resolution processes initiated on or after February 20th, has some differences from the processes illustrated in these flowcharts. The flowcharts are still included here because they illustrate the overall process well.



These flowcharts show the process the Office of Civil Rights uses to review and respond to reports and complaints of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under UCR Policy 650-75.  Please note that there are separate processes (and flowcharts) for reports of sexual harassment (including sexual violence).  

For Frequently Asked Questions, click here

For information about Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policies click here.  For information about retaliation, download Retaliation FAQs.

Please click on the following links for pdf versions of the flowcharts below:
Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Complaint Intake and Assessment Flowchart
Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Complaint Resolution Flowchart

Discrimination Harassment or Retaliation (non-SVSH) Complaint Intake and Assessment Flowchart






Discrimination Harassment or Retaliation (non-SVSH) Complaint Resolution Flowchart